
Tagged as: IPV

RHOA Podcast Season 2, Episode 2: What is the relationship between Domestic Violence and Pet Abuse?

RHOA Podcast Season 2 Episode 2 is live!

Season 2, Episode 2: What is the relationship between Domestic Violence and Pet Abuse? Content: Link Between Pet Abuse and IPV, Impact on Victims and Pets, Support for Pet-Owning Victims, Legislation and Policies Facilitator: Sherry Peters Guest: Dr. Cassandra Reyes What is the relationship between Domestic Violence and Pet Abuse?

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Randi's House of Angels (RHOA) Podcast Episode 7 - What is the impact of IPV on children? - cover art

RHOA Podcast Episode 7 is now available!

Episode 7: What is the impact of IPV on Children? Published: February 5, 2024 Content: Impact by age, long-term, relationships – mother, father, siblings, future intimate partner, etc. and IPV resources. Facilitator: Sherry Peters Guests: William Kellibrew, a global advocate for civil, human, women, children and victims’ rights.

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Randi's House of Angels (RHOA) Podcast Episode 7 - What is the impact of IPV on children? - cover art

What is the impact of IPV on Children?

The impact of domestic violence regarding age, long-term, relationships – mother, father, siblings, future intimate partner, etc.

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Randi's House of Angels (RHOA) Podcast Episode 3 - Exploring the different types of abuse in relationships - cover art

RHOA Podcast Episode 3 is now available!

  Episode 3: Am I being abused? Exploring the different types of abuse in relationships Published: November 13, 2023 Content: What is Intimate Partner Violence (IPV), what is abuse, physical, sexual, psychological/emotional, financial, cultural, social, spiritual, verbal, cycle of violence/power and control wheel, IPV resources. Facilitator: Dr. Ellen Smith Guests: Stephanie Spurgeon, Direct

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Randi's House of Angels (RHOA) Podcast Episode 3 - Exploring the different types of abuse in relationships - cover art

Am I being abused? Exploring the different types of abuse in relationships

Am I being abused? Exploring the different types of abuse in relationships including physical, sexual, psychological/emotional, financial, cultural, social, spiritual, verbal, cycle of violence/power and control wheel, IPV resources..

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