Tagged as: Central PA

Randi's House of Angels (RHOA) Podcast Episode 7 - What is the impact of IPV on children? - cover art

RHOA Podcast Episode 7 is now available!

Episode 7: What is the impact of IPV on Children? Published: February 5, 2024 Content: Impact by age, long-term, relationships – mother, father, siblings, future intimate partner, etc. and IPV resources. Facilitator: Sherry Peters Guests: William Kellibrew, a global advocate for civil, human, women, children and victims’ rights.

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Randi's House of Angels (RHOA) Podcast Episode 7 - What is the impact of IPV on children? - cover art

What is the impact of IPV on Children?

The impact of domestic violence regarding age, long-term, relationships – mother, father, siblings, future intimate partner, etc.

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Randi's House of Angels (RHOA) Podcast Episode 6 - Do people successfully leave their abusers? - cover art

RHOA Podcast Episode 6 is now available!

Episode 6: Do people successfully leave their abuser? Do abusers become able to have healthy relationships? Published: January 22, 2024 Content:  Survivor story from being a victim of domestic violence from abuser to survivor; getting back to a norm, being worthy of love, maintaining one’s identity, hope, and removing blame.

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Randi's House of Angels (RHOA) Podcast Episode 5 - How can I support someone who is in an unhealthy relationship? - cover art

RHOA Podcast Episode 5 is now available!

Episode 5: How can I support someone who is in an unhealthy relationship? Published: January 8, 2024 Content: Ways to support and empower the target of the abuse (e.g., consistently validate the person’s feelings, point out their strengths and accomplishments, support targets of abuse to believe in themselves, show empathy), be

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Randi's House of Angels (RHOA) Podcast Episode 5 - How can I support someone who is in an unhealthy relationship? - cover art

How can I support someone who is in an unhealthy relationship?

Today we are discussing ways to support and empower the target of the abuse (e.g., consistently validate the person’s feelings, point out their strengths and accomplishments, support targets of abuse to believe in themselves, show empathy), be there and connect, and keep reflecting back to the abused person all of the positive qualities you see in them, keep believing that they will get free, ask how you can help, and providing Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) resources

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Randi’s House of Angels raises money through two major fundraising events each year. As we expand our programs and reach children in other Central Pennsylvania counties, the money raised is not quite enough. We hope that you will partner with us to help consider the expenses for each child! 

Today is Giving Tuesday!

Today is Giving Tuesday! #GivingTuesday is a movement that unleashes the power of generosity around the world.  It has grown by leaps and bounds since it first began in 2012 – both in awareness and participation. In 2022, over $3.1B was raised by 37 million donors! Nonprofits of all shapes and sizes

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Randi's House of Angels (RHOA) Podcast Episode 2 - How do I know if I am in a healthy relationship? Part 1 - cover art

RHOA Podcast Episode 2 Part 1 is now available!

Episode 2: How do I know if I am in a healthy relationship?  (Part 1) Content: Non-threatening behavior, respect, trust and support, honesty and accountability. Facilitator: Sherry Peters Guests – Sahara McGrath, Coordinator of the Shippensburg University (SU) PAGE Center & Emily Ott, Public Education Coordinator at Domestic Violence Services of Cumberland

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