
Tagged as: TFEC

RHOA - 2021 Randi's Race

Randi’s Race Raises More Than $36,000!

Race Results are in! View here For 17 years, the Saturday of Mother’s Day weekend is filled with so much love and community support at Adams-Ricci Park in Enola, Pa. The weather was wacky – back and forth with sun, clouds, showers, sun, and repeat…but our supporters know that Randi’s

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Healing Gems Foundation Presents ‘CHOICES’ Movie Premiere

“CHOICES” movie premiere and talk back after the movie with Ron James, TJ Griffin and Landau Eugene Murphy, Jr. CONTACT: Carol Gmuender, Events Coordinator Healing Gems Foundation 717-503-9292 healinggemseventspa@gmail.com www.healinggems.net FOR more than 4 tickets- contact Carol Gmuender directly   October is SUBSTANCE ABUSE AWARENESS MONTH! Substance abuse and substance abuse

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