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CONTACT: Rebecca Patterson at randishouseofangels@gmail.com



RHOA Continues to Build Team of Experienced Stewards

CAMP HILL (Jan. 19, 2022) – The Board of Directors of Randi’s House of Angels (RHOA) is pleased to announce that it has named Julie Barley as its new Chair and Karen Rousche as new Vice Chair, effective January 1, 2022. Both women have served on the board and bring a wealth of leadership experience and passion for children who are victimized by domestic violence. 

As a tribute to her daughter, Randi who was brutally murdered Nancy J. Chavez established RHOA in 2011 as Founder and Chairman of the Board of Directors. Nancy’s courage and determination in the past ten years has raised awareness of domestic violence and made it possible for family and children to receive support and treatment services. Chavez has accepted the position as Executive Director. She continues to support the organization and welcomes new leadership for the nonprofit she founded.  

This leadership transition will support RHOA’s intentional pathway succession planning and continuing to build sustainability of the organization. This proactive approach is the first step to utilizing the organization’s strong leadership pipeline and taking a proactive approach to continuing to build the capacity of RHOA.

Barley comes to RHOA bringing a wealth of experience in a variety of human service roles including mental health and child protective services. She has served on the RHOA Board since 2015 and chairs the Program Development Committee spearheading the expansion of programs for RHOA.

“I could not be more grateful to accept the position as Chair to this well-established organization that consists of an extremely talented team of board members that dedicate their time to improving the lives of children,” said Barley. “By implementing a sustainability strategy, we will be able to ensure that Nancy’s dream to help children and families who are exposed to and are victims of domestic violence continues in the future,” she added.

Rousche brings an array of expertise in public relations, events planning, and media planning.  She has served on the board since 2017 and serves on the Marketing Committee and multiple event committees.

“I am honored to work alongside not only RHOA’s Executive Committee but also the entire Board and their committees. I’m so proud to be affiliated with this organization and the important work that is being accomplished. I’d like to thank Nancy for leading this initiative to ensure the sustainability of the organization. I’m also greatly appreciative of my employer, PSECU, for giving me the opportunity to serve in this capacity.”

Randi’s House of Angels, a project of the Foundation for Enhancing Communities, was established in 2011 and has served over 200 children. For more information visit our website www.randishouseofangels.com, or contact Nancy Chavez at 717-503-4498 with questions.



Randi’s House of Angels is a project of The Foundation for Enhancing Communities, fiscal sponsor.  The official registration and financial information of The Foundation for Enhancing Communities may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free, within Pennsylvania, 1.800.732.0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.