Tagged as: Harrisburg Volunteer Citizen of the Year

Nancy Chavez, Harrisburg Volunteer Citizen of the Year, named grand marshall of holiday parade

Nancy Chavez, Harrisburg Volunteer Citizen of the Year, named grand marshall of holiday parade | PennLive.comhttp://www.pennlive.com/midstate/index.ssf/2012/11/post_470.htmlNancy Chavez, Harrisburg Volunteer Citizen of the Year, named grand marshall of holiday parade PennLive.com Eric Veronikis | everonikis@pennlive.com Nancy Chavez, founder of…

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Nancy Chavez honored as Harrisburg Volunteer Citizen of the Year

Nancy Chavez, mother of murder victim Randi Trimble, honored as Harrisburg Volunteer Citizen of the Year | PennLive.comhttp://www.pennlive.com/midstate/index.ssf/2012/06/nancy_chavez_mother_of_murder.htmlThe award, in its inaugural year, is sponsored by Direct Energy and The Patriot-News

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