May 11, 2019 at 9:00 am 100 E. Penn Drive Enola, PA 17025

Randi’s Race – 15th Annual 5K Run/Walk for Hope and Courage – 2019 Archive


Thank you to all the participants, sponsors, and local businesses that supported our 15th Annual Randi’s Race: A 5K Walk/Run for Hope and Courage. Donations will be accepted through June 30, 2019. David J. Freed, Esquire, served as our Honorary Chair. Race Results are listed below. We sincerely apologize, but due to unforeseen circumstances with race timing this year, we are unable to provide a full list of race results. We are pursuing/considering other race timing options for next year.

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Not on Facebook? We’re also on  @Randis_Race and@randishouseofangels.

ABOUT RANDI’S RACE: Randi’s Race for Hope and Courage is a 5K Run/Walk in memory of  Nancy Chavez’s beloved daughter, Randi Lee Trimble, who was murdered in East Pennsboro Township on January 10, 2003, by a hit man hired by her husband. Both men are serving life terms with no chance of parole. 

Since her daughter’s death, Nancy has been an advocate for victims of domestic violence. She established Randi’s House of Angels (RHOA), a project of the Foundation for Enhancing Communities (TFEC), that supports children who experience and/are victims of domestic violence. This project will help fulfill her dream of supporting and providing services for vulnerable children who experience and/are victims of domestic violence. Some of the biggest victims of domestic violence are the smallest.

Because of the generous support of the community, Randi’s Race has raised more than $471,000 since 2005. Funds supporting RHOA have been donated to the four local Domestic Violence Agencies to support programs and services for children. This includes Randi’s Kidz Club, a twelve-week therapeutic group for children who have experienced domestic violence, at Domestic Violence Intervention of Lebanon County and Randi’s Camp, a three-day interactive summer camp held in Cumberland County each July.

Randi’s Race is a community event that creates awareness and advocates against domestic violence. You can make a difference. Form a team with your friends or co-workers. Bring your family, friends, and colleagues and enjoy the fun activities for all.

2019 Randi’s Race for Hope & Courage
Corporate and Individual Sponsors







Dennis E. Green Family


MacLean Family


Farr Scale



2019 Randi’s Race Results

We sincerely apologize, but due to unforeseen circumstances with race timing this year, we are unable to provide a full list of race results. We are pursuing/considering other race timing options for next year.

Overall Results:

Place Time Bib Number Name M/F Age
1 20:25 153 William Reeder M 17
2 20:59 178 Jeremy Snyder M 34
3 21:21 459 Ross Pelusi M 36
4 21:56 Tama Troutman F 28
5 22:49 180 Rob Ballard M 46
6 23:21 136 William Manley M 35
7 23:39 152 Michael Manley M 32
8 23:52 25 William Miller M 53
9 24:17 177 Carmichael Sherwood M 16
10 25:44 Tony Minnici M 63
11 26:01 173 Kelly Kalovcak F 28
12 26:21 Britney Domarouski F 25
13 26:57 135 Ruth Ritchie F 34
14 27:08 319 Joshua Richards M 41
15 27:25 Frank Ciupi M 67
16 27:30 137 Chris Wert M 34
17 27:58 Todd Miller M 49
18 28:01 93 Galen Allen Jr M 37
19 28:02 133 Elysa Springer F 37
20 28:12 498 Jim Schulz M 50
21 28:17 430 Cassidy Eisemann F 13
22 28:28 502 Thomas Lyon M 45
23 28:29 96 LeeMarie Fisher F 45
24 28:38 9 Kimberly Vaughan F 33
25 28:42 304 Marija Kuren F 39
26 28:51 390 Charles Gartside M 36
27 28:52 Snelby Davks F 14
28 29:09 174 Linda Beck F 55
29 29:28 Craig Barnhart M 55
30 29:42 175 Melissa Mahoney F 33
31 25:29 48 Jay Jackson M 52
32 30:01 433 Kistnre Shemiredvy M 36
33 30:09 463 Jessica Solomon F 39
34 30:30 Lisa Baer F 55
35 31:24 175 Kate Lawrence F 39
36 31:45 443 Beth Miller F
37 31:46 435 Mari Jo Ruby F 62
38 31:51 Natasha Yearsley F 35
39 32:02 131 Carly Baldwin F 36
40 32:05 Hanna Maueny F 23
41 32:14 471 Pavan Kakarla M 30
42 32:16 179 Cathy Tang-Troutman F 63
43 32:21 245 Becky D’Angelo F 25
44 32:27 379 Chris Keefer F 53
45 32:38 Monica Green F 40
46 32:44 234 Emma Franczak F 31
47 32:50 419 Carman Goshorn F 58
48 Gail D’Angelo F 57
49 126 Mark Greenholt M 52
50 301 Marcia Mikos F 44
51 376 Cindy Stauffer F 62
52 323 Janelle Heiserman F 33
53 322 Armand Cheers M 24
54 378 Karla Lesher F 57
55 305 Casey Hassenger F 31
56 380 Kristen Jones F 56
57 324 Elaine Conklin F 12
58 Matt Smith M 46
59 Anilbabu Ambati M 35
60 318 Hadhu Mekala M 42
61 170 Lisa Garman F 39
62 100 Sharon Greenholt F 52
63 235 Christine Proctor F 44
64 Jenn Miller F 38
65 388 Amy Johnson F 39
66 501 Kelly Frioley F 50
67 207 Eric Sentz M 57
68 424 Kimberly Kalovak F 25
69 434 Emma Kanzler F 13
70 433 Autumn Smith F 21
71 Janine Strick F 58
72 474 Michelle Clouse F 46
73 86 David Peabody M 74
74 Emily F 33
75 362 Jill Reeder F 54
76 461 Nancy Bowman F 35
77 92 Jason Brady M 34
78 Andrew Kannaden M 31
79 278 Anavra Santiago F 35
80 139 James Andersen M 47
81 279 Charlie Santiago M 35
82 91 ? Brady
83 500 Robin Cook 65
84 Kyleigh Hall F 10
85 308 Lita Beaver F 25
86 132 Alisha Appleby F 38
87 Gade Shivia M 40
88 176 Katna Yarlagaddoa M 40
89 382 Amanda Lefever F 20
90 163 Adrienna Thoman F 38
91 457 Karen East F 40
92 Susan Stockwell F 55
93 470
94 458 Brody Verlin M 11
95 49 Whitney Nester F 29
96 169 Jan Nester F 29
97 89 Paul Plevich M
98 436 Mary Calverley F 55
99 Marie Smith F 51
100 172 Barbara Roddin F 54
101 171 Gebremariam F 39
102 Ayne Liban
103 172 Tirhas Warren F 33
104 Pam Mock F 32
105 172 Toye Smith F 45
106 171 Nicole Thompson F 35
107 Rishina Bahuguna F 34
108 Shahie Raza
109 99 RP Sellum
110 98 Ethel Sellas F 57
111 438 Dave Tielle M
112 437 Anna Tielle F
113 Jessie Stockwell F 32
114 369 Melissa Nuschke F 60
115 418 Michele Lougee F 44
116 Richard Lucente M 53
117 464 Donna Ross F 66
118 144 Barton Cashman M 50
119 Tyler Richard M
120 130 Lynn Leighton F 59
121 391 Traey Kelley F 61
122 293 Kaden Bevins M 13
123 294 Hayden Bevins M 13
124 296 Kylei Bernecky F 14
125 387 Michele Umberger F 43
126 389 Riley F 6
127 170 Mary Butler F 50
128 496 Chelsea Besic F 30
129 400 Shawn West F 37
130 497 Claire Greensmith F 26
131 Ben Yost M 31
132 Cheryl Strubhar F 52
133 475 Michelle Chicora F 44
134 499 Mark Besic M 34
135 416 Lee York M 55
136 417 Juan Ortiz M 46
137 Alizabeth Dively F 38
138 394 Sean Hopkin M 38
139 366 Wanieta Eshelman F 55
140 136 Sarojinee Sahoo F 34
141 154 JoAnn Godshall F 55
142 Brenda Myers F 36
143 281 Jill Galusky F 39
144 441 Erykah Bray F 7
145 Hanna McKeon F 6
146 445 Stephanie McKeon F 34
147 440 Zoey Holladay F 7
148 Shai Martinez F 27
149 325 Ransith Ransan Ullattil M 35
150 240 John Grosz M 58
151 241 Dixie Grosz F 61
152 90 Juliette Sheesley F 12
153 8 Cayla Luba F 11
154 314 Ashley Bucher F 30
155 315 Mercedes Vega F 46
156 Brian Ebersole M 36
157 321 Mike Heim
158 Heather Heim F 33
159 323 Jenn Bray F 42
160 Amanda Ebersole F 34
161 No Name F
162 232 Ellie Brenner F 14
163 471 Calen Newlin M 6
164 Doug Malinak M 59
165 Bobbie Malinak F 60
167 Alison Mohn F 58
168 429 Sharvonia Cooper F 42
169 321 Sandy Youngblood F 64
170 151 Jared Frey M
171 131 Sandi Rapp F 53
172 130 Samantha Newlin F 31
173 Kiersty Bray F 9
174 Shadd Bavin
175 393 Alexis Martinez F 78
176 Jon Bevins M
177 Abigail Reisinger F 11
178 206 Chris Sralliard F 27
179 370 Clarissa Earnest F 32
180 311 Caleb Brown M 13
181 373 Juliette Brown F 25
182 369 Nicholette Bear F 26
183 374 Paige Detweiler F 25
184 288 Tracey Nevin
185 Amanda Hesband
186 309 Amanda McLaughlin F 38
187 538 Kristen Heisey F 38
188 539 Beth Lyon F
189 356 Tasha Frey F 38
190 322 Bill Ulrich
191 Donna Ulrich
192 324 Olivia
193 173 Brooke Hertzler F 41
194 Jenn Cook F 30
195 Christopher Cook M 12
196 Jen
197 156 Dorinda Bleche F 64
198 Timothy Goshorn M 65
199 326 Linda Joseph F 63
200 327 Lori Janasik F 55
202 4 Kyle Rossi M 22
203 Calmela Bergman F 69
204 Kenneth Bergman M 69
205 Emily Trecy
206 286 Jes Smith
207 Joan Smith
208 359 Sara Lyons F 12
209 Ana Paulina Gomez F 38
210 303 Alexandra Lysandra F 45
211 Paige Eyler F 22
212 Karen Mauger F 57
213 540 Sue Bell F 60
214 425 Angie Clouser F 58
215 Carla Campbell F 13
216 15 Samuel Campbell M 9
217 14 Jenny Campbell F 28
218 307 Karen Staub F 64
219 306 Andrea Lyons F 27
220 168 Shari Staiger F 49
221 544 Robin Metz F 62
222 143 Melanie Harbold f 46
223 97 Helen Sauve F 73
224 171 Aimee Cauffman F 34
225 358 Hugh McMillen M 67
226 Sherry Cover F 46
227 360 Michele Lyons F 51
228 Sage Maguire F 19
229 7 Glenn Reisinger M 49
230 Kim Minnich F 62
231 Amanda reisinger F 40
232 Carol Livingston F 56
233 367 Jeanette Failor F 55
234 368 Brenda Fry F 44
235 313 Sueann Bann F 61
236 312 Kay Hranichny F 58
237 377 Ashley McMillen F 37
238 357 Diane McMillen F 60
239 239 Matt McMillen M 38
240 466 Chelsea Morrison F 27
241 468 Lindsay Morrison F 28
242 422 Beth Karmazan F 54
243 361 Bob Lyons M 57
245 469 Julie Morrison F 54
246 467 Melinda Putt F 63
247 297 Brenda Baucher
248 174 Kelli MacKowsky F 37
249 Danielle MacKowsky F 29
250 173 Kan MacKowsky M 70
251 3 Ian Weidenhammer M 29
252 Jenn MacKowsky F 61
253 375 Nate Brown
254 372 Crysti Stum F 32
255 167 Nathan Stum M 25
256 137 Jaymie Stum M 56
257 Eescamilla Elire F 43
258 597 B Carr F 35
259 174 Kate Hertzler F 34
260 Dax Rice M 40
2019/05/11 09:00:00