Letter from the Chair – January, 2018

Letter from the Chair – January, 2018

What makes Randi’s House of Angels unique? It has always been the mission of Randi’s House of Angels to provide therapeutic programs to help children that experience domestic violence each day of their lives. Based on meeting and dialogue with the local domestic violence agencies, we found that the missing link was the ability to provide therapy from a certified Trauma Informed Cognitive Behavior Therapist (TF-CBT).

Children who have experienced trauma are sometimes not always understood. Randi’s House of Angels takes great strides to identity and hire certified TF-CBT therapists who have experience in working with children and adolescents impacted by trauma. We have found that many of the children who attend our programs have been terribly traumatized and regress emotionally after being exposed to domestic violence situations.

Randi’s House of Angels provides mobile services and works in collaboration with agencies in Adams, Cumberland, Dauphin, Lebanon, York, and Perry counties. It is our mission to hire licensed therapists located in the surrounding areas to facilitate our programs in the central PA region: Randi’s Kidz Club and Randi’s Camp for Hope and Courage.

I am so proud to share that Randi’s House of Angels has served over 100 children since its inception. There is so much more to do to give our children a voice that will be heard by many.